



TUI China
An affiliate of World of TUI, the world's leading tourism group, TUI China was established in late 2003 as the first joint venture with foreign majority share in the Chinese tourism industry. Headquartered in Beijing, our operations reach deep into the far corners of China. With a professional and dedicated team, our business segments include Inbound, Outbound, M.I.C.E (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions) and Expatriate travel services. TUI China sincerely invites you to join us and together we shall endeavour to fulfill our mission
– “Putting a smile on people’s faces”.

World of TUI
World of TUI is a leading global tourism group and one of the in 2009 and 2010. It is formed by three sectors: TUI Travel PLC, TUI Hotels and Resorts as well as Cruise Ship Business. TUI Travel PLC is the world's leading international travel company operating in approximately 180 countries worldwide. It serves more than 30 million customers in over 27 source markets. The company employs approximately 50,000 people worldwide and operates a pan-European airline consisting of 143 aircraft and approx. 3,500 retail shops in continental Europe, the UK & Ireland.

作为世界领先的大型旅游集团 “途易世界”的子公司,中旅途易成立于2003年;是中国第一家中外合资、外方控股的旅游企业。总部位于北京,业务遍及全国;依托专业且敬业的中外团队,中旅途易的业务范围包括:入境游,出境游,会奖旅游,以及为在华外籍人士提供旅游服务。我们诚挚地邀请您的加入,与我们共同努力奉行途易向其员工及客人的承诺:
– “为您带去满意的微笑 ”

途易世界是全球领先的旅游集团。入选2009及2010年度《财富全球500强企业》名录。 途易世界由“途易旅游有限(上市)公司”、“途易酒店及度假村”和 “途易邮轮” 3大业务板块组成。其中,“途易旅游有限(上市)公司”是世界领先的大型旅游企业。其业务范围覆盖全球180多个国家和地区;每年为来自超过27个客源市场,近3千万的游客提供专业且优质的全方位旅游服务。全球雇员约为4万9千名;拥有超过143架客机,近3千5百家旅游门店遍布欧洲大陆,英国及爱尔兰。

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